
  • Stretch to Win

    Visit their blog for a treasure-trove of practical information regarding fascia and stretching.

  • Anatomy Trains

    This website provides helpful information and resources for the world of fascia.

  • Simply Pilates

    This website is a wonderful place to learn about your body and Pilates.

YouTube Videos

Essential Core Stretches

A 7-minute video of stretches for central stabilizer muscles.

Hip Maintenance Stretches

A quick video of hip stretches to maintain the stretching effect.

Fascial Stretch Feats

With the help of fascial stretching, a new deadlift world record is set!


Stretch to Win Guide

This book by Ann and Chris Frederick presents a complete flexibility training system to loosen up and perform your best.

If you have chronic pain or stiffness, Fascia Stretch Therapy might be your answer.